Category Archives : Company Blog

slip-and-fall accidents

What are Slip-and-Fall Accidents?

Same-level slip-and-fall accidents account for 65% of all fall accidents with injuries ranging from bruises to broken bones to head injuries.

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Why Customer Service Still Matters

Technology has automated more and more of our everyday lives. At Tritex, we keep up with the latest advancements in linen and uniform technology. But there’s one thing we believe that technology will never be able to do better than a person: customer service.

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corporate uniforms

How Corporate Uniforms Impact Your Customers

While good service is the core of your business, there are a few other things that you need for the success and growth of your brand: for example, your corporate uniforms.

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Tips to Improve Workplace Safety and Protect Your Business

While the products and services your business offers are of high value in generating profit, one thing can take a detrimental toll on your business’ finances and reputation: workplace hazards.

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commercial laundry service

How a Commercial Laundry Service is Different from the Home Laundry Process

The concept of ‘commercial laundry service’ still appears daunting for many business owners despite being one of the most effective ways to get quality clean linens for businesses.

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3 Ways We’re Doing Our Part with Green Laundry

The most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the lack of a conservation ethic in our culture – Gaylord Nelson (Founder of Earth Day)

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Why You Need a Mat, Linen, Towel and Uniform Rental Service

Thinking about getting a linen, towel, mat or uniform rental service? Here’s why you should grab that opportunity without a second thought!

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how to clean a public restroom

How to Clean a Public Restroom: 6 Maintenance Tips

Dirty restrooms are dirty business! Grimy floors, smelly cubicles, and grout lines covered in mold and mildew is no way to treat your customers.

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Tritex Corporate Headquarters renovation

Check Out Our New Look!

Sometimes, you just need a makeover. Our corporate office in Trenton is no exception. So, we recently got to work on a few upgrades. Scroll down to see some of the latest additions and renovations to our headquarters! The commute is rarely fun, but turning onto our newly-paved parking lot at the end of the […]

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industrial uniform services

How to Improve Your Image with Uniform Services

Portraying your business in a positive light is beneficial in order for your business to flourish. Through advertisement and marketing, your business can show its values and personality. The easiest way to advertise your business positively is by equipping your employees with quality uniforms. They can strut around your business exposing your logos to all […]

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